Amanda & Daniel
Infertility Diagnosis
- Endometriosis
- Male factor
- Embryo Freezing
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Syracuse
- Robert Kiltz, MD
Amanda & Daniel's Story:
Thanks to CNY we have our little miracle! Wanted to share our journey with you all and a few pictures of our precious baby!
Four and a half years ago when Daniel and I got married we knew right away we wanted to start a family! So we started trying! Fast forward a year! Nothing had happened so my OBGYN recommended that we go see a fertility specialist. Not the words you really ever want to hear! But we took her advice and went!
We were told our only option was IVF. IVF is extremely costly and that was just not in our cards at the time. So we tried a few other things. I spent periods of time on clomid, we did 2 rounds of IUI and lots of home remedies. Nothing seemed to help! My grandmother had someone at her church who knew someone, who knew someone that had used a fertility clinic out of NY, CNY Fertility.
I started doing some research! They were much more affordable than the clinics in Columbus and Atlanta and their success rates were just as good! So we gave it a shot! We did a retrieval in February of 2019 and followed that with 2 unsuccessful transfers. To say we were devastated both times is an understatement! You try to hold onto your faith but you start to question will we ever be parents? Will we ever know that feeling? We started looking into other options.
We went to a couple of local meetings about fostering and adopting. That seemed like it was going to be our next step. My doctor in NY called me in October of 2019 and said he wanted me to go get tested for Endometriosis. So in December, I had surgery and sure enough, I had endo. My local doctor performed my surgery and considered it a successful surgery! In January we went ahead with another transfer (this time transferring 2 embryos) and praise God, WE ARE PREGNANT!! I cannot even begin to explain the emotions we felt on January 30th when we got the call! Still to this day, it doesn’t even seem real!
On September 12, 2020 our precious Wills made his arrival a month early! 5 pounds, 12 ounces, and healthy as can be.
This journey has taught us both so much about ourselves! It has brought Daniel and I closer together. We have become so much closer to God. I have never prayed and talked to God so much in my entire life. Looking back I would ask God, WHY??, why us? Will we ever have a baby? What are you waiting on? I will never know why he waited 4 years but I do know his timing is perfect and I really am thankful for our journey! I have met some wonderful women and created beautiful friendships and for that I am so thankful! Our friends and family have been so wonderful, loving and supportive during this long journey! We couldn’t have done it without them! Truly!
To all the couples out there struggling with infertility, don’t give up! The hundreds of shots, the meds, the sleepless nights, the worry and the many many tears will all be worth it! Just lean on God and he will provide.