Brittani & Keegan
Infertility Diagnosis
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Syracuse
- Robert Kiltz, MD
- David Corley, MD
Brittani & Keegan's Story:
Keegan and I started trying for children two years after we were married in 2011. Two years before I'd been diagnosed with PCOS so I knew it might take some time. We had never tried to prevent pregnancy before 2011, but it hadn't occurred to me we'd have a long road ahead.
In 2012, we sought the help of my OBGYN. After a handful of Clomid and Femara cycles, we were pregnant. We were so excited. I was put on progesterone support and my hCG levels were rising appropriately.
A few weeks later I was shocked to see I was having a miscarriage. To say I was devastated was an understatement. We tried again after my hCG dropped to 0.
After 4 cycles of timed intercourse of Femara plus injections didn't work, our OBGYN referred us to a fertility specialist. We had a consult on Monday and our first IUI on Saturday. It worked! This cycle resulted in our beautiful 8-year-old daughter.
We decided after the birth of our daughter to continue not to prevent pregnancy. Because we had a cycle that worked, it never dawned on me that conceiving our second child would be even harder.
When our daughter was 3 years old, we decided to try IUI again. I was saddened when it didn't work. Fast forward to another 4 failed IUIs over the next two years and we had 2 chemical pregnancies to show for it.
I remembered a good friend of mine I met in an infertility group that used CNY to conceive her son around the time we conceived our daughter. She had great things to say about them and knew others who had used them as well.
By this point, our daughter was nearly 7 and we wanted to give her a sibling immediately. We had our consult in March 2020 so unfortunately, everything had to be put on hold once the pandemic hit.
Then in the fall, we decided it was time. In November 2020 we had our IVF cycle with great results. We then went back in December 2020 for our FET which resulted in our beautiful one-year-old son.
Photography: the amazing Divine Photography
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
Dr. Kiltz came into my egg retrieval telling me how good my results were going to be. He was right!
During my FET, Dr. Corley was so warm, calm and patient. He explained exactly what he was doing and prayed with me.
Helpful resources Brittani & Keegan found:
We added blood thinners and acupuncture to our protocol with our FET cycle.
Unique Moments:
After egg retrieval I developed mild OHSS. I was very uncomfortable. We ended up staying in New York an extra week for monitoring (and because I was too uncomfortable to travel home). We had to cancel our fresh transfer We had planned on.
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
Looking back my advice would be don't hesitate to incorporate IVF when CNY makes it so affordable. We tried other things for years because I was scared. We would have done it earlier if I could do it over again.