Christina & Adrian
Infertility Diagnosis
- Endometriosis
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Premature ovarian failure
- Recurrent miscarriage
- Secondary infertility
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Syracuse
- David Corley, MD
- Maribel Verdiales, MD
- Kris Ziegler, NP
Christina & Adrian's Story:
Our story begins from the moment my husband and I started our relationship almost 14 years ago. We both knew we wanted a family and we never wanted to wait to start trying. Young and in love, our journey to start our family began. 5 years later and still no baby. Our dreams of a big family did not seem like it would ever happen on our own, so we sought help. Unlike the everyday couple, our struggle was a tad bit challenging as we are a military family who moves often and consistent care was hard, not to mention living in another country.
After speaking with a local doctor we were saddened with the news that we had less than a 10% chance of having a baby on our own, IVF was our only fighting chance. We went in full force, but my body chose otherwise. Only 5 eggs were retrieved, but all 5 became embryos. We had 5 chances! Much to our surprise, after 2 transfers, we left empty-handed and felt defeated. Plus, it was our time to move again.
Never wanting to give up hope, we sought out care again. Doctor states “he can help” and we begin mini IVF. My body was making 3 beautiful follicle and we were excited.
Once again, sad news came as I ovulated early. I wanted to give up, I left the office heartbroken.
However, my body had plans for a baby because even though I ovulated and no retrieval happened, I fell pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful miracle.
Although we had our girl, we wanted a big family and jumped right in with trying. We fell pregnant naturally again, but time after time, we lost our babies, 5 babies that could have been.
After 8 years of more heartache, we turned to CNY Fertility because our local clinic turned us away because our case was “too difficult”. CNY was there to help us grow our family, and we were eager to start.
We knew going in that we may have some bumps in the road. We had 2 failed retrievals that yielded zero fertilized embryos with CNY but refused to give up hope.
With a little tweaking of our approach, we decided on one more try, and one more try did the trick!
Dr. Corley retrieved 3 eggs, and 2 fertilized. We had 2 embryos for the first time, and I just knew this was our time. Dr. Verdiales did our first-ever transfer at CNY of our 2 beautifully graded embryos and prayed over us, which was so touching.
Much to our surprise, THEY BOTH IMPLANTED AND 1 SPLIT. So much joy followed the day we found out I was carrying triplets. However, our identical twins stopped progressing around week 7, but our one was holding strong.
Our CNY baby was born in April 2022, and she is perfect in every way!
Our family is now complete, thanks to CNY Fertility and not turning us down!
Helpful resources Christina & Adrian found:
We did acupuncture leading up to our care and the day of transfer. I felt taking on a less stressful position helped me remain positive and calm.
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
My only advice is to never give up hope. You may need a second, third, or even fourth opinion, NEVER give up. We had an open mind and giving up was not an option and so glad we didn’t give up.