Kristina & Amber
Infertility Diagnosis
- Tubal obstruction
- Donor sperm
- Egg freezing
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Syracuse
- Robert Kiltz, MD
- David Corley, MD
Kristina & Amber's Story:
My Journey began 4 years ago at age 38 after 5 failed IUIs performed at our local fertility doctor in Indianapolis, IN .
My wife found CNY through a fertility support group. After our call, my wife and I decided to travel to the CNY Syracuse location.
We had a few setbacks. I had 5 rounds of IVF. I suffered a miscarriage the day after Easter in 2021 at 9 weeks of pregnancy. After my body healed, I decided to try again.
I ended up having another egg retrieval performed by Dr. Kiltz. In the first retrieval, I had 18 eggs. My second retrieval was 2 eggs. Dr. Kiltz offered that if we needed to do another retrieval, it would be at a discount. I told him 1 is all I need! My first 4 transfers were all frozen. My 5th transfer was a fresh transfer.
With Dr. Corley, I transferred my two embryos. They both implanted, and by 5 weeks, I had a vanishing twin. In March of 22, I started my 3rd trimester. I was hospitalized for low potassium, iron, and preeclampsia. I was urged to rest and take off work. I was induced 3 weeks early. I started off having a vaginal birth, but after nearly 24 hrs, I ended up having a c-section due to failure to dilate.
On May 10, 2022, I welcomed my daughter Avery into the world. Also, during this time, my wife started her IVF treatments. I’m excited to announce that this December, we will be welcoming another baby girl, Autumn.
Our daughters are half-siblings and will be 7 months apart.
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
All the nurses
Helpful resources Kristina & Amber found:
I knew from the start of my journey it’s not a matter of "if" but "when" I will get pregnant.
I kept my diet and medications on schedule.
Dr. Kiltz's podcasts
Dr. Rachel Riley is an amazing OBGYN .
The Moment:
The day I learned I was pregnant. Got my HCG blood work back. I was at work. I was in disbelief. I called my wife then emailed my OBGYN.
Tired and exhausted, holding my daughter was the most joyous feeling and so surreal . To this day I look at her in amazement.
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
Before I started my treatment I joined a CNY support group. At first, I was overwhelmed after hearing about the processes and medications. I was lucky enough to get to stay in Syracuse for my first retrieval .
My doctor was a big supporter and advocate during the time I had my miscarriage. She connected me to all the right people to help me on my journey.
It helps to get a counselor to talk to for emotional support. IVF affects everyone differently and can take an emotional toll on couples. It's a huge help to talk to someone during your journey.