Carrie & Victor
- Embryo Freezing
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- Hysteroscopy
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Syracuse
- Robert Kiltz, MD
Carrie & Victor's Story:
I stopped taking birth control in 2013 and we didn't get pregnant until 2022 with the help of CNY.
We began with CNY in the fall of 2021, and elected to go straight to IVF due to my age at the time. I went through 2 hysteroscopys, both times for polyps. We learned during the 2nd hysteroscopy that it appeared as though I had a unicornuate uterus.
We did an egg retrieval one time and, combined with my husband's sperm, ended up with 8 embryos!
We transferred our first embryo in January 2022 and I gave birth to a healthy baby boy, "Ace" Alphonse Victor Conte, in September 2022. I had a c-section after 2 failed inductions, and I was struggling with preeclampsia at the end of my pregnancy.
We learned during the c-section that, in fact, I have 2 uteruses!
We are forever grateful to Dr. Kiltz and Dr. Leuthringer and the rest of their team for their brilliance, care, science, all of it.
We will be back for number 2!
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
Natalie, through patient portal, was incredible. I had a SCH (Subchorionic hematoma) in the beginning of my pregnancy and thought for sure I was having a miscarriage. I was right between graduating from CNY and going to my OB. I was messaging through the portal because I had no idea what to do, and Natalie called me and provided so much reassurance. I am eternally grateful she was there.
The Moment:
I had a very "eventful" c-section, lasting over 2 hours instead of the usual 30 minutes. That was when we learned of my 2 uteruses. The whole vascular system from the smaller uterus grew on top of the uterus that housed my son for nearly 9 months.
It was pretty scary and my husband and baby were asked to leave the OR. When I finally held him, my heart was bursting and I wasn't afraid for him or me as I was for the entire pregnancy lol. It was an incredible feeling
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
Trust the science.