Daniela & Michael
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- Syracuse
- Buffalo
- Eric Chang, DO
- Kris Ziegler, NP
Daniela & Michael's Story:
In the summer of 2018, 6 months after our wedding, my husband and I decided we were ready to expand our family. We were both 28 years old. We had always dreamed of being parents and raising children together. We did not expect, however, that it would become a challenge.
In December 2018, I had this gut feeling after six months of trying that something was not right. A friend who was about to give birth the following month to her "IVF miracle baby" mentioned CNY fertility to me.
Being from Buffalo, I was incredibly relieved by how accessible CNY was. In May 2019, almost a year after trying to conceive, my husband and I had our consultation appointment with Dr. Corley.
Based on blood work, scans, and my history, it seemed I was polycystic. Dr. Corley suggested the Ketogenic diet for PCOS, and we were willing to try anything in order to increase our chances of conceiving. It was amazing how Dr. Kiltz's keto fertility diet made me feel incredible.
Dr. Corley suggested we begin with IUI treatments. After six months of doing IUI with no success, we decided to take a break for the Holidays and come back in January. Over the holidays, we took a vacation and decided together to go the IVF route.
In January 2020 the amazing staff at Buffalo worked with us to navigate the IVF life. I had my egg retrieval in Syracuse on January 25, 2020 with Dr. Luthringer.
We were expecting to have to do a frozen transfer because I have PCOS. But after my egg retrieval, Dr. Luthringer told me I was able to do a fresh transfer. Out of 15 eggs retrieved, Three made it to blast, and we had three embryos waiting for us.
All three embryos were untested. On January 30, we transferred one embryo, and nine days later I had a positive blood test. We were thrilled! On October 11, 2020, we welcomed our daughter Ava into the world.
When she was 15 months old my husband and I started discussing having another baby. We knew we had options, and we could try naturally or go back to CNY as we had two more frozen embryos.
We decided to give our embryos a chance. Being on the other side of infertility and then having to go back was such a roller coaster of emotions. We started hearing about more and more couples who were sending their embryos in for genetic testing.
We worried about whether or not we should do the testing. But after watching Dr. Kiltz’s videos on Facebook and hearing his explanation of when he would and wouldn’t genetically test embryos, we felt our decision was the best for us. We trusted everyone at CNY.
Fortunately, Buffalo was now doing frozen transfers, so we had our embryos transferred from Syracuse to Buffalo. After doing HSG testing and baseline appointments, Dr. Chang performed my FET on April 25, 2022.
Nine days later, I received a phone call that my blood test was positive. We were thrilled and in disbelief that we were pregnant again! We were blessed with our son Leo on January 4, 2023. Thanks to CNY, they helped us complete our family. We could not be more grateful for everyone who worked with us, especially our Buffalo team.
Beautiful photos by Moonshine Buffalo
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
Kris Ziegler
Melissa Crisci
Sara Kaier
Helpful resources Daniela & Michael found:
Yoga and Keto
The Moment:
I was in disbelief that my fresh transfer was a success. I spent a long time worrying that I would never get pregnant, but the moment it was confirmed I was beyond excited. We had waited for that miraculous moment for so long!
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
It can be so difficult when you’re trying to conceive and it feels like everyone else around you is getting pregnant so “easily”.
You have to remember that you're on your own personal journey, and the moment you get your positive test you'll realize it was all worth it.
There was so much I didn’t know about my body before this journey. CNY taught me so much about how what we put into our bodies affects our fertility, and our health in general. Knowing the right information guided me to our success.