Age & Infertility

There’s simply no way around the issue. Age–particularly female age– is a significant factor in all cases of fertility. Technically, age is not the issue. The real issue is egg quantity and quality, which directly translates into embryo quality after fertilization.
When you think about it, it makes sense. Until the invention of antibiotics and other modern medical advances, the average human life was twenty or thirty-some years. That means if you were a caveman/woman, you needed to have your children by the time you were in your early twenties.
Of course, having children in your teenage years and even your early twenties rarely happens today for a variety of reasons. Because families are waiting longer and longer to have children, more couples are having trouble starting their families when they are finally ready.
Fertility Treatment Options
Fortunately, modern technologies including IUI, IVF, Egg Freezing, and even Donor Eggs can help women beat age-related infertility. Because the real issue of age-related infertility is egg quality, there are also a number of steps you can take to improve your egg quality including following a ketogenic diet, taking fertility supplements, inflammation-reducing medications, reducing stressors, and limiting microtrauma (from intense workouts) and instead choosing walking or doing yoga for exercise.
Ultimately, every treatment option at CNY Fertility is open for you to consider. We have no age limit on when you can stop attempting IUIs and IVF with your own eggs (we may advise you jump to IVF or use donor eggs sooner than later, but ultimately the choice will be yours).
To get started, it is recommended you schedule your appointment sooner rather than later and begin with some basic testing including your Day 3 FSH levels, AMH levels, and Antral Follicle counts.