Fresh Embryo Transfer:
- 6 fresh eggs with a fresh embryo transfer is $12,000.
- Each additional egg is $2,000 per egg.
This would include 1 fresh embryo transfer, whereas if you have any additional embryos to be frozen, the remaining transfers will be frozen embryo transfers.
A fresh embryo transfer requires a mock cycle to be completed.
If you wish to have a fresh transfer, you must first complete a mock cycle prior to matching with an egg donor. The mock cycle will ensure your body responds to estrogen appropriately, which you will call on day 1 of your menses to schedule. Once you are matched with an egg donor, we will prepare your lining while your donor is getting ready for her egg retrieval.
**You cannot do PGT testing if you choose a fresh embryo transfer.
Frozen Embryo Transfer:
- 6 fresh eggs to create and freeze embryos is $9,000.
- Each additional egg is $1,500 per egg.
This means you will have a frozen embryo transfer. This does not require a mock cycle.