Once the donor becomes available to you, you will receive a message through your patient portal along with a text message to your mobile device. Once you confirm your donor selection, and answer the questions asked to you, you will be officially matched! You should expect a message through your portal letting you know that your consents and financial contract have been uploaded with a date to which they are due. Please be sure to message your recipient coordinator once you have uploaded your signed consents.
Once you officially make your selection, we will tell the donor she has been matched, and ask her to contact us on day 1 of her next period. Once your donor calls with her period, we will share with you her cycle timeline including her baseline appointment and tentative egg retrieval dates. Updates will be shared through your patient portal.
Keep in mind our donors are placed on birth control for a minimum of 2 weeks in preparation for their cycle. The birth control pill also offers us flexibility in her cycle planning as we need to plan based on the availability of our embryology lab. We ask for your patience in this process as we need to make sure that embryology has space in their lab to care for your precious embryos.
After your donor’s baseline visit you will receive a message through your patient portal confirming that she is ready to move onto the next step. Once her egg retrieval has been officially scheduled you will receive another notification (typically 48 hours prior to that egg retrieval). If your partner is providing a fresh sperm sample on egg retrieval day his appointment will be scheduled at that time.