FAQ - Partner Sperm
Before making arrangements to freeze your partner’s sperm sample please be sure that he has had a semen analysis completed within the past year. If the semen analysis is abnormal, using a frozen specimen may not offer your best results.
First option Your partner may make an appointment at any CNY Fertility Center to freeze his semen sample. Your partner may schedule this appointment any time prior to the start of your donor’s cycle. This is the best option as the sample is processed right away and will typically yield a better outcome.
Second option Your partner may make arrangements to freeze at a local clinic near you and request that the clinic send the frozen sperm here to us. This option is also good but does take a bit more time to arrange to have the sample(s) sent here. You would need to speak to our shipping coordinator Julie Bruno (jbruno@cnyfertility.com) to get the correct consents and to arrange shipment of the sperm from that facility.
The last resort option As a last resort we do offer an at home collection kit. The home kit is NOT the preferred option for collection as the specimen temperature will not be controlled in transit- this makes for unpredictable results and potentially a poor quality specimen. You may choose this option ONLY if there is no other suitable way to obtain the sample. The kit is costly, and we cannot guarantee a good quality specimen. Should you wish to move forward with this option you will need to reach out to our financial team to make payment. Once payment is received our financial team will notify our lab to make arrangements for shipment.
YES! You must have an appointment! Please call our office to schedule the appointment. Please confirm the appointment day & time with your Recipient Coordinator so we can ensure the appointment is scheduled correctly, and if necessary, make arrangements to have that sample shipped to the correct office where your donor’s egg retrieval will take place.
Yes, if your partner’s sample is at the Atlanta, Colorado, or Sarasota office, there is a $405 fee (subject to change) to ship the sperm to New York. If you are shipping from one New York office to another New York office, it is $75(subject to change) to ship.
He can travel to one of our offices in New York (Syracuse, Albany, Rochester, or Buffalo) or one of our offices in Atlanta, Colorado, or Florida.
Fresh and frozen sperm have similar outcomes, it does not matter which option you choose.
If you are using FRESH sperm: You will have a tentative date for your donor’s egg retrieval, but only 2 days official notice for your partner to travel to the office of the donor’s egg retrieval and provide a fresh sperm sample in the morning.
If you are using FROZEN sperm: Your partner will need to travel to our office prior to your donor’s egg retrieval and provide a sperm sample that our lab will freeze and keep. We will thaw the sample when it is needed.
The sperm you wish to use to fertilize your eggs will need to be in the office where your donor’s egg retrieval is planned either prior to egg retrieval day (if using frozen sperm) or the morning of egg retrieval(if using fresh sperm).