FAQ - PGT Testing
YES. Results usually take between 10-14 days once Cooper Genomics receives the samples. ** You may not start medications for your transfer cycle until results are received.
Should you request this testing you should expect a bill for an additional $2,000-$3,000 depending on the number of embryos tested.
We cannot guarantee normal embryos or the gender you are hoping for.
Statistically 50% of all fertilized embryos grow to the blastocyst phase which is when your embryos would then be biopsied. Starting with 6 eggs may ultimately result in only 2-3 embryos to biopsy so we do suggest that you consider purchasing additional eggs to maximize your outcome. Additional eggs are $1,500/egg. Keep in mind that this test is not perfect and there is a degree of error with those results.
PGT testing is a test to determine that your embryos have the appropriate number of chromosomes. This test can also tell you the gender of your embryos. While it is NOT typically indicated when using an egg donor, we do want to make sure that you are aware it is an option.