FAQ - Testing
A semen analysis is a critical part of your fertility workup and the lack of one can result in a failed cycle (So you definitely should have one!!!); however, those clients wishing to decline this can do so by signing a waiver in your Consents Packet. Remember, men are the cause of or partially responsible for approximately 50% of all cases of infertility. A history of fathering children does not mean a man can not now be infertile. Male fertility declines due to age, environmental exposure, and other physiological changes. We, unfortunately, have many couples who failed to have a semen analysis done at a previous clinic or waive a semen analysis at ours, spend thousands of dollars and endure years of heartache, only to finally do a semen analysis and realize they have male infertility issues.
While it is best to have all recommended testing and lab work prior to the start of your cycle, you do have the option to decline these tests by signing a waiver in your Consents Packet
The thyroid is a critical piece of the body’s overall hormone system and is responsible for regulating your reproductive hormones as well. We will be frequently assessing your thyroid levels and, when necessary, introducing medications to help bring those levels into the optimal range for pregnancy.