FAQ - Treatment & Medication Bundles
No, however, you can easily add an FET to any IVF bundles for $995/each if the FET is done within 12 months of the retrieval.
The bundles are refundable if the service has not been rendered and the medications have not been dispersed.
If you purchase a package and medications are dispensed but you do not proceed with egg retrieval, a partial refund may be available.
Yes, each package can be financed for 6, 12, 18, or 24 months with CNY’s in-house payment plans.
Yes, the patient pays CNY Fertility directly for the entire package (including medications). A participating pharmacy will fulfill the prescription.
Potentially, please contact your plan administrator to determine our treatment medication bundle’s eligibility for your plan.
No, we designed and priced these packages to be a focal point of our service offerings moving forward.
Yes, you will simply need to pay the difference in the price. Please get in touch with the Patient Accounting team via web correspondence through your patient portal to start the process.
The first step/action item for you depends on where in the treatment journey you are:
During your consultation, you will collaborate with our provider, who will formulate a treatment protocol matching your medical history and goals. If you know you would like one of our bundles, please tell your provider during the consultation so they can formulate your protocol with this in mind. The provider may recommend additional immune or enhancement medications not part of the bundle. These medications would need to be purchased in addition to the bundle. Even so, you will realize a significant savings when purchasing a bundle.And if you haven’t scheduled your consultation yet, you can do so here!
Have no fear; most patients will not know what bundle package they need based on their pre-existing protocol. Please contact your nursing team through the patient portal, telling them that you would like a bundle but need help converting your existing protocol into the most appropriate bundle. If you are a travel patient, please message the .Global Travel- Questions group in eIVF. If you are local to one of our offices, please message the nursing team of that office (for example .NursingTeam- SARASOTA). The respective nursing team will convert your protocol into the closest matching bundle and task our FINANCIAL TEAM, who will send you a contract to pay for the bundle. Once payment is made, the FINANCIAL TEAM will send your order to our prescription team, who will forward your prescription to our preferred pharmacy to be fulfilled. You should receive your medications within a few days.IF YOU HAVE HAD YOUR CONSULTATION AND KNOW EXACTLY WHAT BUNDLE YOU NEED TO BUY:
If you’ve already had your consultation, want to purchase one of our bundles, AND KNOW EXACTLY which package you need, please contact your nursing team through the patient portal, telling them which bundle package you would like to purchase. If you are a travel patient, please message the “.Global Travel- Questions” group in eIVF. If you are local to one of our offices, please message the nursing team of that office (for example, “.NursingTeam- SARASOTA”). The nursing team will send your bundle request to our financial team, who will send you a contract to pay for the treatment. Once payment is made, the FINANCIAL TEAM will send your BUNDLE PACKAGE NUMBER to our prescription team, who will forward your prescription to the pharmacy to be fulfilled.IF YOU HAVE HAD YOUR CONSULTATION, WANT A BUNDLE, BUT HAVE FINANCIAL QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PACKAGES (IE., YOU PURCHASED AN IVF CYCLE ALREADY AND WANT TO CONVERT/UPGRADE INTO OUR BUNDLE):
If you’ve already had your consultation and would like to purchase one of our bundles but have financial questions about the bundle, please message the “.Patient Accounting” team through your patient portal, and they will reply as soon as possible.After paying for your bundle, our team will send your prescription to one of our participating pharmacies, which will fulfill the prescription by sending your medications through the mail. You will most likely receive the medications at your doorstep just a few days after payment.
Even if you require additional medications, it is in your financial interest to purchase a bundle compared to purchasing ALL your medications directly from a pharmacy.
Possibly. The bundles are designed based on our most common base but comprehensive treatment protocols. For many, the bundles will include all the medications they need. Others, like those doing an FET, PGT (which requires FET), immune/enhancement protocols, or who do not respond as efficiently to the medications during stimulation, may need to purchase medications outside the bundle. Should you need to order additional medications, you will purchase these medications at CNY’s standard negotiated rates with our pharmacy partners.
We can offer such pricing due to our commitment to making fertility treatment accessible to everyone. The services and medications are the exact same you would receive if you chose to purchase the treatment and medications separately.