Fertility Treatments

Tubal Ligation Reversal

A tubal ligation reversal (TR), medically known as the Tubal Anastomosis, is the procedure by which a surgeons repairs a woman’s fallopian after previously having a tubal ligation (having one’s “tubes tied,”) to restore their natural fertiltiy.


The Quick One Two Punch

About Tubal Reversals at CNY

A Tubal Ligation reversal is one of two potential options for someone who has had their tubes tied who is now looking to expand their family biologically. The other option is IVF.

  • Build Your Family Naturally

    We offer a high chance of success. Roughly 60-80% of patients attain a natural pregnancy within two years of surgery. Individual chances are highly dependent upon age at the time of reversal. Our doctors will be happy to discuss further during your consultation.

  • Discounted IVF

    If you undergo a tubal reversal at CNY, you are now eligible for a subsequent discounted IVF cycle of $3,500 if unable to attain natural pregnancy after the surgery. 

And Here’s the Scoop

How Tubal Reversals Works

To understand how a TR is performed, you must first understand what it means to have a tubal ligation. A tubal ligation surgery, through one of many potential methods, separates the distal portion (which is open to the abdominal cavity and takes in the ovulated eggs once released from the ovaries) of the fallopian tube from the proximal portion (which connects to the uterus) thereby preventing the meeting of sperm and egg, i.e. fertilization.

  • Evaluation

    Prior to your surgery, our medical team will consult with you to see if you’re a good candidate for tubal reversal surgery or if you should choose In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), and also discuss the pros and cons of both options. As long as you are in good health and have not had the fimbriae removed then there is a good chance the decision will truly be yours.  Those with a high BMI, a cardiac history, or other medical concerns may need to seek medical clearance from their doctor prior to surgery. 

  • The Surgery

    All tubal reversal surgeries are performed at our very own Center for Superior Surgical Care at our Syracuse, NY location using laparoscopic techniques which enable us to restore your fertility in a minimally invasive way. The surgery takes approximately 90 minutes and enables most women to conceive naturally without the use of fertility medications.

    During the procedure, your surgeon will reconnect your left and right distal and proximal fallopian tubes by making careful surgical cuts to reopen the surgically closed portion of your tubes. After ensuring that each portion of the tube is open by flushing colored water through your tubes, the surgeon will then use sutures to bring the proximal and distal tubes back together. The surgeon will again flush the tube with liquid to ensure that each half of the tube is aligned allowing for sperm, egg, and embryo to flow freely and unobstructed through the tube.

  • Recovery & Follow up

    Most women can resume walking the day of operation and return to an exercise free version of their daily routine the next day. Still, we generally recommend those undergoing this surgery to take at least a week off of work and abstain from all exercise for at least two weeks.  You will be scheduled to follow-up with your surgeon about two weeks post-op.  You will be instructed to call our office immediately with any questions or concerns.

Where It Happens . . .

Our Tubal Ligation Reversal Surgeries take place at our center in Syracuse, New York.  Consultations and follow-up appointments can be coordinated remotely with the assistance of a local medical clinic.

Schedule your consultation

Tubal Ligation Reversal Cost

The cost of a Tubal Ligation Reversals at CNY Fertility is $4,995 and includes the surgery itself, pre and post-operative appointments, as well as potential eligibility for a discounted IVF cycle of $3,500. If under 35, one must attempt to conceive naturally for 12 months prior to redeeming discounted IVF. If 35 or older, one must attempt to conceive naturally for 6 months prior to redeeming discounted IVF. If the surgery is unsuccessful (the tubes were not able to be successfully reattached) one is immediately eligible for the discounted IVF.

+ Learn more about the cost of tubal ligation reversals.

Automatically Included
  • {{ tick.item }}
Add ons
More Info: {{ treatment.data.price.frozen_transfer.note | stripHTML }}
More Info: {{treatment.data.price.cryo_preserve.note | stripHTML }}
More Info: {{treatment.data.price.medication.note | stripHTML }}
More Info: {{treatment.data.price.zymot.note | stripHTML }}
More Info: {{treatment.data.price.pregmune.note | stripHTML }}
More Info: {{treatment.data.price.fet.note | stripHTML }}
More Info: {{treatment.data.price.donor_eggs.note | stripHTML }}
More Info: {{treatment.data.price.donor_package.note | stripHTML }}
More Info: {{treatment.data.price.donor_sperm.note | stripHTML }}
More Info: {{treatment.data.price.gestational_surrogacy.note | stripHTML }}
More Info: {{treatment.data.price.reciprocal_ivf.note | stripHTML }}
More Info: {{treatment.data.price.split_cycle.note | stripHTML }}
Sample Payment Calculator: Self Pay Pricing
  • {{treatment.data.name}} {{ treatment.data.price.base_price.cny|toCurrency }}
    National Average {{ treatment.data.price.base_price.others|toCurrency}}
  • {{ treatment.data.price.monitor.remote.label }} Remote Cycle Management {{total_monitor.cny|toCurrency}}
    {{ treatment.data.price.monitor.in_house.label }} In House Monitoring {{total_monitor.cny|toCurrency}}
    {{treatment.data.price.monitor.remote.note_calc | stripHTML}} {{treatment.data.price.monitor.in_house.note_calc | stripHTML}} Third Party {{ total_monitor.others|toCurrency }}
    {{ treatment.data.price.reciprocal_ivf.note_calc ? treatment.data.price.reciprocal_ivf.note_calc : "Reciprocal IVF requires both partners to be monitored" }} {{ treatment.data.price.frozen_transfer.note_calc_monitor ? treatment.data.price.frozen_transfer.note_calc_monitor : "" }}
  • {{ treatment.data.price.frozen_transfer.label }} Frozen Transfer {{treatment.data.price.frozen_transfer.cny|toCurrency}}
  • {{ treatment.data.price.cryo_preserve.label }} Cryopreservation + 1yr Storage {{treatment.data.price.cryo_preserve.cny|toCurrency}}
    {{treatment.data.price.cryo_preserve.note_calc | stripHTML}} Third Party {{treatment.data.price.cryo_preserve.others|toCurrency}}
  • {{ treatment.data.price.genetic_testing.label }} Genetic Testing {{treatment.data.price.genetic_testing.cny|toCurrency}}
    {{treatment.data.price.genetic_testing.note_calc | stripHTML}} Third Party {{treatment.data.price.genetic_testing.third_party|toCurrency}}
  • {{ treatment.data.price.medication.label }} Medication Estimate {{total_medication.cny|toCurrency}}
    {{total_medication.note_calc | stripHTML}} Third Party {{total_medication.third_party|toCurrency}}
  • {{ treatment.data.price.zymot.label }} ZyMōt Sperm Processing ${{treatment.data.price.zymot.cny}}
    {{ treatment.data.price.zymot.note_calc | stripHTML}} Third Party ${{treatment.data.price.zymot.third_party}}
  • {{ treatment.data.price.pregmune.label }} Pregmune Reproductive Immunology Testing {{treatment.data.price.pregmune.cny|toCurrency}}
    {{ treatment.data.price.pregmune.note_calc | stripHTML}} Third Party {{treatment.data.price.pregmune.third_party|toCurrency}}
  • {{ treatment.data.price.donor_eggs.label }} Donor eggs {{total_donor_eggs.cny|toCurrency}}
    {{treatment.data.price.donor_eggs.note_calc | stripHTML}} Third Party {{total_donor_eggs.others|toCurrency}}
  • {{ treatment.data.price.donor_sperm.label }} Donor sperm {{treatment.data.price.donor_sperm.cny|toCurrency}}
    {{treatment.data.price.donor_sperm.note_calc | stripHTML}} Third Party {{treatment.data.price.donor_sperm.others|toCurrency}}
  • {{ treatment.data.price.donor_eggs.label }} Donor Package {{total_donor_package.cny|toCurrency}}
    {{treatment.data.price.donor_package.note_calc | stripHTML}} Third Party {{total_donor_package.others|toCurrency}}
  • {{ treatment.data.price.gestational_surrogacy.label }} Gestational Surrogacy {{treatment.data.price.gestational_surrogacy.cny|toCurrency}}
    {{treatment.data.price.gestational_surrogacy.note_calc | stripHTML}} Third Party {{treatment.data.price.gestational_surrogacy.others|toCurrency}}
  • {{treatment.data.price.split_cycle.label ? treatment.data.price.split_cycle.label : "Split Cycle Discount" }} {{discount_split_cycle|toCurrency}}
  • 5% Military & Veteran Discount {{discount|toCurrency}}
  • Financing Fee {{finance.fee|toCurrency}}
  • Total to CNY {{total.total | toCurrency}}
    Estimated 3rd Party Costs {{total.third_party| toCurrency}}
    Grand Total {{(total.total + total.third_party)| toCurrency}}
    National Average: {{total.national|toCurrency}}
  • Down Payment to CNY
  • Monthly Payment to CNY

{{ treatments[treatment_selected]['data']['footnote'] }}

The above calculation is for simulation purposes only. It is reflective of self-pay pricing, includes highly variable estimates paid to CNY and third parties, and national averages obtained through internal research, FertilityIQ, ASRM, and Resolve. Billing through insurance will likely result in substantially different fees. CNY Fertility does not warrant or guarantee any price for services conducted or rendered by a third party and recommends everyone obtain written estimates from any medical facility involved in your treatment as well as verification of coverage from your insurance company prior to beginning treatment.

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Last Update {{currency.last_update}}