Alex & Robert
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Syracuse
- Robert Kiltz, MD
Alex & Robert's Story:
My husband and I met in 2012 and got married in 2014. We were aware that we would have some issues with conceiving so we started working on having a baby right away. Fortunately, we were able to have a son and daughter.
We really wanted a third, but this was proving more difficult, so we found our way to CNY through a friend, made a consultation, and started IVF.
I can't count how many times I cried to the nurses and to Dr. Kiltz. So many tears!
The cycle that we got pregnant with PudgePudge, I screamed on the phone and my husband immediately knew that Dr. Kiltz did it for us!
38w later, we were able to meet PudgePudge, the little lady that we waited for to join our family. I tell anyone that is dealing with infertility to contact CNY. I have spoken about them plenty of times on my TikTok channel and I share the stories of many CNY sisters through social media.
I hope that you all get to meet your babies soon!!
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
Dr K, of course. And there is a nurse with dark hair, 2 sleeves of tattoos, I cried on her....like sobbed on her in July of 2021.
Lilly - she was there when I did my last transfer with PudgePudge. And Amanda the redhead nurse. I connected with her when I needed it.
I have 250k+ followers on Tiktok at 4thfreshestmccurry. My story with PudgePudge has gone viral.
Helpful resources Alex & Robert found:
SLEEP!!!! Pretty sure this did the trick.
The Moment:
I was working from home when I got the phone call. I screamed so loud that my husband heard me two floors away in the basement, and our next door neighbor came over to make sure that we were ok. 😂
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
I don't like telling couples to relax and their time will come. Instead, I tell couples to push for as long as they can. Take a break when you need to. Cry when you need to, and then get back on the horse when you can. You're going to meet your baby soon.