- Donor sperm
- Embryo Freezing
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Sperm Freezing
- Syracuse
- Travel Client
Alexis's Story:
I was 20 years old when I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). After learning that this could cause an issue with conceiving a child, I was devastated.
As years went on, I was constantly being asked when I would settle down and have children. Every time, it frustrated and saddened me, but I would keep my feelings to myself because it seemed like nobody understood the pain I was carrying.
There’s a story in the Bible about a woman who had an issue with her blood. No matter what she did and what help she got, she couldn't fix what was wrong with her. I felt like that woman. I had an issue and didn’t know what to do or how to fix it.
In 2019, after being judged for my infertility issues in a past relationship, I promised myself in 2020 that within three years, I would take on the journey as a single mom by choice.
I kept that promise to myself, and in 2023, my IVF journey began.
In February 2023, I began my first and only IVF cycle. Two embryos were implanted, resulting in a twin pregnancy. In March, I had a subchorionic hematoma bleeding, followed by a miscarriage of one twin in April. The doctors said it appeared to be vanishing twin syndrome.
In June, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. In July, my singleton was diagnosed with intrauterine growth restriction. I was monitored by maternal-fetal medicine high-risk doctors from June until I delivered my baby girl.
I had scheduled my birth induction for October 16, 2023. I had a vaginal delivery, and my baby girl was born on October 18, 2023. My daughter, Aislynn (Ace-Lynn) Warren, was born at 37 weeks due to her diagnosis. She weighed 4 lbs, 12.9 ounces, and spent one week in NICU due to low blood sugar.
My journey was rough and full of emotional distress, but when I held my baby girl, it was all worth it.
I am forever grateful to the CNY Syracuse team, and I pray for everyone currently on the journey of motherhood. One day, you, too, will hold your baby.
Helpful resources Alexis found:
The Moment:
When I found out I was pregnant, I was in disbelief. I was shocked. I was excited. I was overwhelmed with emotions. Never in my life had I had a positive pregnancy test. I was so excited to see the positive pregnancy test that I took dozens of tests just to watch it turn positive!
The moment that I held my baby girl, it felt like she was my saving grace, my miracle baby, my greatest blessing. My life finally meant something. I’m now someone’s mother. I felt like God kept his promise to me.
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
I wish I knew about the options for fertility assistance when I was first diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome. I spent a lot of years insecure and unsure of myself. My advice to all who are TTC is to never give up. Joining different Facebook support groups helped me tremendously. There are tons of resources available through support groups. We are all in this together.