Andrea & Dennis
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- Albany
Andrea & Dennis's Story:
After miscarrying at 8 weeks, we decided to keep trying since becoming pregnant was a dream we were not willing to give up.
We started out by taking medications and keeping track of ovulation. When this wasn't successful my OBGYN recommended we schedule an appointment with CNY.
I always saw Nicole Davey at my appointments. She is a gem! We went through 6 IUIs without success, which was so heartbreaking. We discovered that the reason I was having such a hard time getting and staying pregnant is that my progesterone is low.
So our next step was IVF. The first one worked for us, and thank god! After all the medications and injections that I had to deal with, we finally got what we wanted—a beautiful, healthy baby boy on New Year's Eve 2021.
I thank CNY from the bottom of my heart for our Jack. It was all worth it--maybe even the progesterone oil shots! It took us over two years to become pregnant, a lot of hope and heartache. It's not an easy process, but I promise you, it will work out eventually.
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
Nicole Davey NP
The Moment:
I kept checking the portal to see my bloodwork before I got the call that I was pregnant. Hubby was sleeping since he works nights. I whispered in his ear "we are pregnant."
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
Don't lose hope! Yes, it can be a very stressful process to go through but you must try to stay positive. Keep reaching for the stars!