Ariel & Paul
- Embryo Freezing
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- Hysteroscopy
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- Laparoscopy
- Mini IVF
- Ovulation induction
- Timed intercourse
- Buffalo
Ariel & Paul's Story:
My husband and I have tried for a child for 5 years. During this time we saw several doctors locally. We were passed around from one to after each exhausted their methods of helping us.
We did IVF a few hours from our home at another clinic (not CNY). We ended up with 1 healthy embryo that, unfortunately, did not work.
When we found CNY I was skeptical of the price because we paid nearly $20,000 at our first clinic.
After consulting with Dr. Kiltz first, he recommended a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. I had that done, and they found nothing wrong as usual. We did a round of IVF with CNY and did a fresh transfer. Unfortunately that second round did not work.
My husband and I decided to try again, and we had a third egg retrieval with a different protocol and ended up with nine embryos!
We were shocked! We went in for a frozen transfer the following month, implanting two, which still did not work. That was our 3rd attempt, and I was beginning to think we would never be able to experience having our own and that it just wasn't meant to be.
Since we had seven remaining embryos, they agreed we could transfer three at once at our own risk. We went for it, and we got pregnant with ONE!
Our son Hudson was born 4/19/24 and we are so grateful for both the price and support of CNY. They gave us the miracle we longed for.
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
I would like to thank Nicole Davey! She created my plan for my 4th transfer and I was super nervous but she assured me everything was okay and to trust the process.
Helpful resources Ariel & Paul found:
The Moment:
When I first took a test 5 days after transfer and saw that faint positive I didn't believe it. I was shaking. I tested everyday, watching the line get darker until beta day where the nurse called and confirmed we were pregnant!
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
It's so hard to think it will never be your time. I've been there several times. My advice is to never give up. I'm glad I kept pushing and told myself this was going to happen.