Ashley & Jacob
- Syracuse
Ashley & Jacob's Story:
When we got pregnant with Briar, our first CNY baby, everything went so smoothly. One egg retrieval, one embryo retrieved, one transfer.. pregnant. So we figured that everything would go as smoothly the second time, but goodness were we wrong. This time around, it took:
• 7 months
• 85h45m, 5,824 miles of traveling
• 3 more egg retrievals (I have DOR)
• a diagnostic laparoscopy with D&C and lysis of adhesions
• a bilateral salpingectomy (removal of my fallopian tubes)
• A Boston, Mass ER stay due to OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome) from surgery
• 387 injections
• 4 transfers
• & 8 embryos
You’d never know it by what we’d chosen to share, but it took a lot.. mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially.
The amount of weight I gained from being on steroids for 6 months, the amount of hair I lost from the injections, the toll it took on my mental health.. it was a lot. And I’m not gonna lie, there were times when I didn’t know if I/we could keep going.
With every surgery, retrieval, transfer, shot, lost embryo.. there were a lot of times when I questioned my faith. But there were also a lot of things and people that helped me keep my faith and to keep pushing through it.
As much as I wish our journey could have gone so much smoother that I could have saved us so much heartache, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’d go through all of it, again. Because I know God had a plan for us and I know that this specific little boy was meant to be a part of it.
Brogan Alexander Rollins was born 1/23/25 at 3:53 p.m., weighing 8lb 6oz and measuring 21” long. We can’t thank CNY Fertility enough for our second CNY baby and for continuing to help us grow our family ♡ . To anyone going through fertility treatments, my advice is to never give up, no matter how hard, because it is so worth the reward.
(Photos by Kayla Lynn Photography)
The Moment:
My fourth transfer, I promised myself I wouldn’t test at home. Which I knew was a lie. I work at an OB/GYN office, so pregnancy tests are pretty easily accessible. I was 5dp5dt and just couldn’t wait to test.
So I grabbed one, took it, covered it up, and literally got down on my knees to pray. After I prayed, I looked, and there it was. Two pink lines. I bawled. My nurses could hear me in the bathroom and they weren’t sure if the tears were good or bad. I came out of the bathroom and couldn’t speak through the tears, so I just held up the test. All of my nurses started crying with me. It had been a long time coming and we were all just so happy. I’m so glad I got to share that moment with them 🖤
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
To anyone going through fertility treatments, my advice is to never give up, no matter how hard, because it is so worth the reward.