Bethany & Jordan
- Embryo Freezing
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Bethany & Jordan's Story:
Jordan and I got married in October of 2018. We knew we wanted to start a family and started trying right away. We tried for over a year naturally. At my annual visit with my gynecologist, I talked with her about our difficulty becoming pregnant. She did a couple different labs, but everything came back normal. My doctor said she could refer me to a Reproductive Endocrinologist, but I wasn't ready for that. I waited another year. At my next visit, I told her I was ready for that referral.
After visiting with the reproductive specialist, we started doing IUI. We did four IUI's. With each cycle, everything looked great, but no luck. After the fourth failed, they told me IVF would be the next step. I attended an IVF consult with my first provider (not CNY). After looking at the financial packet, I knew this was going to be way more than what we could afford. Our quote was over $20,000 for ONE retrieval and transfer.
I started researching different IVF clinics. I joined Facebook IVF support groups, and someone suggested CNY. I looked at CNY's website, and with the prices they offer and I had to at least schedule a consult. And I'm so glad that I did!
Our consult went great. All of our questions were answered and we were ready to start! We chose to go to the Colorado Springs location, which was a closer drive. But it was still 981 miles to get to Colorado for our retrieval.
Our retrieval was performed by Dr. Fink. We can't say enough great things about him. He eased my anxieties and worries. Our retrieval went well, and we ended up with 7 eggs. 4 of our eggs fertilized.
We stayed in Colorado Springs for six days, and thankfully, we were able to do a fresh transfer. Brandis Montez was available to do our transfer that day. She was AMAZING! She answered all of my questions and assured me that she was going to help get us the baby that we'd been dreaming of.
About four weeks after our transfer, I started taking at-home pregnancy tests (they tell you to wait, but it's so hard!). They started out very, very faint. And slowly began getting darker. I wouldn't let myself get excited. I needed to get a test that actually said the words. And sure enough, PREGNANT!
We can't thank CNY Fertility enough. We now have our sweet baby girl, Saylor! And we couldn't have done it without their team there. We will definitely be going back in the future if need be. I can't recommend this clinic enough!
(Beautiful photos by Bushel & Peck Photography)
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
Brandis Montez
Dr. Fink
All nurses at CNY COLORADO
Helpful resources Bethany & Jordan found:
Facebook Support Groups
The Moment:
Throughout my whole pregnancy, it just didn't feel real. I couldn't believe that I would be having a baby at the end of it. In my mind, it wasn't happening. We were induced at 39 weeks and that was tough. We ended up having an emergency C-Section due to baby's heart rate dropping. When I heard our baby cry at birth, I completely lost it! We cried tears of joy that she was actually here and safe!
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
There was so many points in this journey that I wanted to quit. I worried that maybe I wasn't meant to be a parent. But I'm so glad we kept going. I can't imagine a life without our daughter.