Carlee & John
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Albany
Carlee & John's Story:
John and I actively tried to conceive for 2 years. After the first year of tracking ovulation and timed intercourse, we visited my local OB. My OB ran tests on us both, and my husband's sperm was normal. My OB could not figure out what was wrong with me, although I suggested I had endometriosis based on my symptoms.
I was then started on Clomid and eventually later Letrazole, but neither helped. Then, we moved to an HSG procedure to check my tubes for blockages, and my tubes were clear.
After that, we moved on to a local fertility clinic in our area for 2 IUIs. Both failed. Frustrated and with zero hope, we decided to try CNY based on our 2 friends who had successfully gotten pregnant with them and made the recommendation.
After my first consult, I immediately felt hope and like I was heard. After so many providers told me I did not need a diagnostic laparoscopy for my endometriosis, CNY told me I needed one. The protocol they gave me was egg retrieval, laparoscopy, and then frozen transfer.
My local OB performed my laparoscopy and found endometriosis along with four masses in my uterus. Once I healed from the lap, 2 months later, we transferred our best embryo, a 4AB, and he took the first try.
5 days after my transfer, I had a positive pregnancy test, and all we could do was cry. After so many negative tests, it felt so good to finally see a positive.
Photos by Ashleigh Wright Photography
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
Dr.Grossman at the Albany clinic did my egg retrieval. He made me feel so calm and at ease the entire process. Dr. Neuhausser did my transfer and reassured me of the success rate, which gave me hope.
Helpful resources Carlee & John found:
Acupuncture, which was a CNY recommendation, greatly impacted my fertility journey and early pregnancy. Acupuncture allowed me to de-stress and relax + boost my fertility.
The Moment:
After 8 hours of active labor and 40 minutes of pushing, our hearts exploded when we met our son for the first time.
It was at that moment that we realized it was all worth it, and we are so glad we didn't give up. After so many failed attempts trying to conceive, we call him our miracle baby. The love we first felt when we laid eyes on him was overwhelming and indescribable.
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
Never give up. Fertility can be a long process but trust the process. So many times I wanted to give up and I am so glad I didn't or I wouldn't be a mother today. If you are struggling with the financial aspect, start saving in a ''baby making fund.''