Crystal & Daniel
Infertility Diagnosis
- Advanced age
- Male factor
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- Gender Selection
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Syracuse
- Buffalo
- David Corley, MD
Crystal & Daniel's Story:
We never had issues getting pregnant, we had been able to naturally have two girls. But we wanted to try for a 3rd, hoping we could have a little boy.
We tried for two years and had two chemical pregnancies right in a row. It was a depressing blow. We didn’t have any luck after that. My ob/GYN, recommended a fertility specialist. We decided on CNY fertility. We got a consultation appointment and we decided due to our age to just go right into IVF.
We discovered that we were having male factor issues, also my thyroid was underactive.
We had amazing help from Dr.Corley in Syracuse. We were able to do all the treatments we wanted and budget the costs with a payment plan. Because of the great treatment, our first transfer was a success. We just had our little boy at the start of February. We named him Benjamin.
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
The nursing staff in Buffalo NY was amazing and fantastic with my monitoring, support. Dr.Corley is amazing and I recommend everyone to him.
Helpful resources Crystal & Daniel found:
Immune suppressant protocol, acupuncture, Mediterranean diet/keto, lots of research on YouTube ( fertility TV).
Unique Moments:
We worried how we’d pay for treatment, but we had lots of help a long the way. Found ways to save money and payment plans. We were all nervous that it would work or we’d be able to have a boy. We did get lucky several times. A high moment was when we had 9 embryos. And over joyed when our best boy embryo stuck. Now we have four families we have donated embryos too. I can only hope they have the same luck and prayers.
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
Research and advocacy is a main reason a lot are successful with IVF. CNY is affordable and amazing with all their patients. They will transfer mosaic embryos for you, where other clinics will not. They will not judge you or deny you treatment. Don’t give up, don’t loose hope.