Devan & Daniel
- Embryo Freezing
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- Genetic Testing
- Hysteroscopy
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- Ovulation induction
- Timed intercourse
Devan & Daniel's Story:
Daniel and I got married in April 2016 and immediately began trying to conceive with no luck.
We began seeing a fertility specialist (not CNY) in 2018 and went through 6 IUIs. Unfortunately, we suffered one miscarriage in 2020 at eight weeks pregnant. With all hope almost lost, Daniel kept the faith and encouraged us to continue to try.
We found CNY and scheduled a consultation in 2021. The best decision we ever made!
We went the IVF route. After two retrievals, several embryo transfers, a hysteroscopy, ERA ,and PGT testing, our 7th embryo gave us the perfect miracle. Daylen arrived on 1/2/2024 and is everything we ever dreamed of.
Coming to CNY Colorado Springs made us fall in love with this state so much that we packed up in September 2023 and moved to Colorado Springs! We cannot wait to take Daylen to visit the CNY COS staff soon! There are not enough thanks in the world that we could ever give to CNY!
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
ALL staff at CNY COS are absolutely amazing and beautiful people! One nurse in particular, Katelynn, came in early when I had procedures just to do my IVs because I am a hard stick.
Dr Fink and Brandis are some of the most incredible doctors I've ever met. I have had some of the most caring global nurses as well. Dr Kiltz even texted me with guidance at one point when I was in despair. Thank you to the entire CNY!
Helpful resources Devan & Daniel found:
CNY Support groups on social media were EVERYTHING!
Brandis answering questions on her Instagram were extremely helpful.
Dr Fink and friends every Tuesday was not only funny but full of wonderful knowledge and guidance.
The Moment:
Finding out we were pregnant in May 2023 was absolutely surreal. Looking at the home tests with positive lines and hearing the nurse over the phone confirm elicited so many happy and praised emotions.
Holding the baby for the first time was surreal and still feels like a dream!
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
I wish I didn't spend so much time on IUIs and found CNY sooner. IVF appeared not possible until we found CNY.
If I had to give any advice, I would say to have a mindset that this is a hard journey and if you want something bad enough, you fight for it with all your might. The road is not easy but it is well worth it!