Emily & Jeremiah
Infertility Diagnosis
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- Laparoscopy
- Syracuse
- Robert Kiltz, MD
- David Corley, MD
Emily & Jeremiah's Story:
As a little girl, it was always my dream to be a mom with lots of children. Anywhere we would go when I was little, I was holding a baby or helping other moms around me.
My husband and I got married in 2012. We started trying to conceive a little after we got married, we tried for about six months to a year knowing that I had PCOS that could potentially affect our chances of getting pregnant naturally. We tried three of four IUI’s at my OBGYN and then moved on to CNY when we first sought treatment which all failed. It was so discouraging and at that point, we decided to move on to IVF.
Our first IVF was successful with a fresh transfer, only to end in a devastating miscarriage of twins at 9 weeks. We never got an explanation of why I miscarried, which seems to be pretty common. I ended up having to have a DNC to aid in the miscarriage. I remember just wanting those babies more than anything. I tear up thinking about the disappointment that we faced with this loss. I remember CNY and my OBGYN being so supportive and caring through this time.
We tried again as soon as my HCG was negative. We got pregnant with our oldest Emma Kate, on January 12th, 2015. Her due date was September 30th, 2015 which was exactly a year to the day after my miscarriage. It definitely felt like an extra blessing to such a hard time in life.
When Emma was 12 months old, we decided that we would love to have more children. We went ahead and got everything set with CNY to do a frozen embryo transfer, again. We did a frozen transfer and then another full IVF cycle with another retrieval and a fresh transfer which both failed. At this point, we decided it was time to take a little break, focus on really sticking to keto to improve my health, and after a few months we were ready to transfer again.
We transferred two embryos and ended up pregnant with twins, a boy, and a girl. Micah and Juliette were born in May 2017. When they were around 13-14 months we decided again that we would love to go back to CNY to do another FET. I decided to do keto for a few months prior because that really seemed to help in the prior transfer. We transferred two embryos on September 11th, 2019 and I got a positive on a home pregnancy test 5 days later! We were so thrilled that it had worked on our “first” try. Natalie and Caleb entered our world May 2020 in the midst of all of the crazy in the world. They were perfectly healthy and we were able to bring them home 24 hours after delivery to meet their siblings who absolutely adored them.
All of our children are such little miracles and we are so thankful for CNY and for how affordable it has been to grow our family. My children look at the pictures of their embryos and we show them the pictures that we have with Dr. Kiltz who was the doctor who transferred all of our successful little embryos. I don’t think we would have the family that we have today without the help of CNY. I love sharing our story in the hope to someday inspire someone to reach out for help, to seek treatment if you want a family and are unable to get pregnant. It might take a while to get there, but the joy of these babies has been worth all of it. I would go through it all again, if I had to, to experience this love and family life.
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
Greta and Becky were fabulous.
Helpful resources Emily & Jeremiah found:
Acupuncture, keto
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
Always be your on advocate and have hope, don’t give up on your dreams. The struggle definitely makes the joy of your children that you will have someday, so much richer.