Heather & Dustin
- Syracuse
Heather & Dustin's Story:
When our oldest child was just 1 1/2 years old, we knew we wanted another child and tried right away. After 6 months of no luck and unexplained bleeding outside of my regular cycle, we looked for answers.
After a long referral process, we found out I had uterine polyps and had surgery to remove them. After healing from that, we continued trying, but at the 1-year mark with no luck, we continued to search for answers. We switched doctors several times because no one would listen to us and do further testing. After all, "I was young and healthy" (26 at the time).
We found a Dr in our home state of California willing to do further testing, and found out I had blocked fallopian tubes. I had a procedure to clear them, which was successful. Were were told to try timed intercourse for 6mo and come back after if it was not successful....it wasn't successful. I went back a second time, and they were blocked again. Had them unblocked a second time and told the same...try for 6mo.
After two failed IUI's after the blockages were removed, we found out they were blocked a 3rd time, but just on one side. We gave it another go and did a 3rd IUI. It failed.
We were out of hope and out of money at this point, so we took a step back from it all. We moved states because my husband is Active Duty Army. In Oklahoma, our new home, I came across CNY while searching for affordable IVF clinics because the Dr back in California was going to cost more than $20k!
We scheduled a consult with Dr. Kiltz, and everything felt like serendipity. We did our preconception testing and started meds a few months later. Flew to CNY Syracuse in Nov of 2020 in the midst of COVID for my full IVF cycle.
I missed Christmas with my husband and son that year to complete my egg retrieval. We froze eight beautiful embryos! My hormone levels did not allow for a fresh transfer. After traveling back home and waiting for another cycle in Jan of 2021, we did a frozen embryo transfer (FET), which sadly failed. Again, we took a step back and waited until we were emotionally ready.
In September of 2021, we transferred another embryo and were blessed with another son! He was born in June 2022, and it felt so surreal! We had another child finally!
Our journey opened our eyes to how precious new life is, and we did not want to waste the opportunity to bring a 3rd life into this world. So, after several false starts of another cycle due to my uterine lining being too thick, we went ahead with another transfer in September 2023.
We were blessed with a healthy baby GIRL! To say we were over the moon was an understatement. Both IVF pregnancies went with minimal/no complications, and we are forever grateful to the team at CNY.
It took us several doctors, several surgeries, and treatments over 5 years to conceive our 2nd child, and it was worth every obstacle and heartache.
Having a 3rd baby was icing on the cupcake. We owe our babies, Orion and Ellery, to Dr. Kiltz and everyone at Syracuse. I have told several couples about the clinic since our success, and they are blown away by the transparent pricing and information CNY is willing to share on their website.
We will forever be grateful to CNY for making it possible for us to complete our family.
(Photos by CookieBug Photography)
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
The Moment:
Hearing the phone call that our beta was positive was indescribable. After that many failed procedures and hundreds of pregnancy tests taken, hearing that you're pregnant was worth every tear shed.
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
Never give up. It's cliche, I know, but our drive to find the answers the other doctors were not willing to find was what finally gave us our success.