Jenny & Micah
- Embryo Freezing
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Mini IVF
- Albany
- Robert Kiltz, MD
Jenny & Micah's Story:
After escaping a fundamentalist cult in Western Maine at the age of 32, followed by a whirlwind winter of dating (my husband and best friend), we married in May 2018. It was an incredibly joyful day. We were thrilled to begin a new journey together and start our own family.
Three months later, I endured an early pregnancy loss. To wait so long and then be filled with hope only to be disappointed devastated me. My husband remained calm and encouraging. We would keep trying.
In early 2019, I went to my local OB for some testing. Nothing stood out, but my lifelong pain around periods was steadily worsening. In the fall of 2019, when I insisted on starting fertility treatments (IUI), my OB recommended surgery first to diagnose my pain, which other doctors throughout my twenties had labeled "normal."
I was finally diagnosed with Endometriosis and likely Adenomyosis, both having a negative impact on my fertility. Adhesions were removed via laparoscopy. My OB was confident we would conceive after this, but the added pressure of knowing we were only given six months to try before the Endometriosis likely grew back was discouraging and stressful.
My symptoms and Endometriosis returned in only three months. Then Covid hit. We consulted with Boston IVF remotely. Doctor Lannon was incredibly kind and helpful, but he gave us a low chance of success without IVF intervention due to my age and recurring Endo. I am so thankful he gave his advice with a sense of urgency. Both Endometriosis and Adenomyosis worsen with age, and time was not on our side.
Unfortunately, we did not have the funds to pursue IVF then, having purchased our first home, which turned into a costly renovation project. When you need medical treatment to have a child but cannot afford it, it's heartbreaking.
My husband was scrolling Facebook one day and excitedly called me into the room. He showed me an advertisement for CNY Fertility. I didn't even know for sure what the letters "IVF" stood for. I had no clue what it required other than some scary-sounding medical procedures...and shots. Lots and lots of shots.
At that time, I viewed IVF as a last resort for infertility but also a guarantee. I had no clue that it could take several or many attempts or that IVF didn't always work for everyone. I set out to learn all I could, joining Facebook support groups related to CNY & IVF. I became an avid researcher and investigator, educating myself on the process and making sure it didn't compromise our beliefs and faith.
I also worked a job at Tractor Supply Co to help pay for treatments and help our fertility savings account last longer. I was staggered by just the self-pay cost of egg retrieval medications before meeting our yearly insurance deductible, but when Nurse Leigh at CNY tweaked my mini IVF protocol to use better, stronger medications, I trusted her judgment.
The nurses and doctors at the Albany clinic were AMAZING. We stayed two weeks in New York in 2022 for my egg retrieval. I stuck needles in my abdomen repeatedly and measured and drew up meds like a half mad scientist, fully committed and determined to do whatever it took.
The retrieval went so well. We ended up with 6 frozen embryos!!!! Then we went home so I could rest and recover. Around that time, CNY encouraged Pregmune testing. This helped identify my deeper underlying immune issues which through a Facebook group led me to Dr Jubiz, Center for Reproductive Immunology. From the Fall of 2022-2023, Dr Jubiz helped uncover my other infertility issues and fix them. For the first time, I had real answers.
Before my insurance deductible reset, since it was covered by insurance, we traveled and did a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) in December of 2022 that failed. My heart felt like it was being ripped apart. I felt as though God had let us down. We had tried so so hard. I had endured several incredibly painful tests (due to my cranky uterus) and procedures. We had prayed. We had kept the faith and held onto hope through many discouragements and setbacks. I was so sure it would finally be a positive test. However, we had more work to do. With the next FET, I waited for Dr. Jubiz to give us his "green light" while taking his immune protocol a few months prior to transfer and also downregulating with Orilissa and Letrozole by Dr. Kiltz's recommendation.
The reality was that for our first transfer, my body was not ready. Down regulation helped immensely, along with immune support for my Endometriosis. In August of 2023, we did another FET, transferring two untested embryos. I felt numb but prayed so hard. I was nearing the end of my physical and emotional endurance. Dr. Jubiz believed in us when I could not. I, unfortunately, had some trauma from a local procedure/uterine biopsy that went particularly badly, and I begged for extra valium for my FET at Albany.
The nurses were so kind, and the CNY doctor who did my transfer had NO difficulty with the transfer thanks to his expertise combined with the downregulation. He was very gentle and understanding. He helped distract me by asking questions about Maine. I felt only calm and peaceful as I rested in the room after staring long and hard at the screen where they showed me two tiny dots that were our beautiful, precious embryos. 7 days later, I tested positive at home. POSITIVE!!!!
Over the next few days, the line remained and darkened. My entire pregnancy was textbook perfect, other than our baby boy being breech at the end, which was all for the best. I'm so glad we did not give up. Liam is worth it all and a thousand times more!!!!! My husband was my rock and comfort throughout.
Photos by Oh My Darling Photography
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
Nurse Leigh
My egg retrieval nurse those weeks in 2022
The gentle amazing doctor that did my second transfer!!
Helpful resources Jenny & Micah found:
CNY Fertility website
CNY Fertility Support Group
The Moment:
My home pregnancy test showed positive so fast after our second FET. I was shocked. After my very high positive HCG result several days later, I collapsed onto the couch and slept for hours.
It felt like the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders. I didn't know if my body could do it, but I chose to celebrate this precious life every day we still could. On May 3, 2024, we met our precious Liam earthside, and our hearts became whole again.
He is beyond our dreams, and we are so grateful to God, Dr Jubiz, Dr Kiltz, CNY Fertility and all our faithful prayer supporters!!! Especially the ladies that prayed over me and my womb after transfer, fighting for me at the throne of Grace, when I was too exhausted and discouraged to pray.
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
Setbacks and failures will happen.
Keep going. Don't give up.
No often just means not yet.
Reproductive Immunology is AWESOME.
Surround yourself with positive supportive people and ignore the IVF naysayers. You've got this. You are not alone. God is near the brokenhearted. Keep the faith. However your family is born, whether through IVF or another way, it is going to be A BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING MIRACLE STORY. Just don't give up.