Kathleen & Jasmond
- Egg freezing
- Embryo Freezing
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Buffalo
Kathleen & Jasmond's Story:
My husband and I began our journey roughly ten years ago. We share a story that many couples can relate to: I stopped taking birth control, and after waiting and hoping to get pregnant, it never happened. After a few years of trying, my OB-GYN suggested I undergo an HSG. The results came back clear, so the next step was a D&C, which also showed no issues. My doctor then recommended medically induced cycles, but still, after many months of trying, there was no success.
Feeling at a loss, my OB-GYN suggested we consult a fertility specialist. Our first visit to a specialist was in 2017 in our home state of Indiana, and it was a disheartening experience. We felt like just a number, with our appointment lasting only about 30 minutes. At the end of the consultation, we were informed that IVF was our only hope, with a price tag exceeding $25,000. As a newly married couple in our 20s, this cost completely drained our hope of ever starting a family. We began to pray harder and sought ways to have a family someday.
In 2018, with a new OB-GYN, I underwent a laparoscopic procedure that revealed a severe case of endometriosis. Most of the endometriosis was removed, restoring a glimmer of hope for us. We started more medically induced cycles later that year, but after a few years of trying, we found ourselves back to square one: still no baby, age becoming a factor, and still grappling with how to afford treatment.
While searching online, like I had done hundreds of times for IVF options, I discovered CNY Fertility (I like to believe that God led us to them at that moment). In February 2023, we visited CNY in Buffalo for the first time. I had another HSG and bloodwork done, and we received the all-clear to start our IVF journey—all at a third of the cost compared to our home state. Everything went incredibly smoothly, and we treated each trip to Buffalo like a mini-vacation. The staff in Buffalo were awesome, always being so warm and friendly, we felt so at ease.
Our first IVF attempt was successful, but it sadly ended in a miscarriage at 12 weeks, leaving us devastated. However, with our faith, each other, and the support from CNY, we knew we had to keep trying. Thankfully, we didn't give up because, in October 2023, I became pregnant again. Overall, it was an easy pregnancy, and at 38 weeks, on the 4th of July 2024, we welcomed our amazing son, Benjamin.
Though the journey wasn’t easy, and there were times we felt like giving up, holding our baby in our arms made all the previous pains and heartaches fade away, replaced now entirely by joy!
*As you'll see by Benjamin's pictures, we will now be lifelong fans of Buffalo, including the Bills!
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
Dr. Chang, Nurse Kris, Nurse Jeanette and the Anesthesiologist that kept me laughing the whole time before and after my FET.
Helpful resources Kathleen & Jasmond found:
Joining Kiltz's Mighty Tribe was incredibly helpful. Doing Keto in preparation for the FET. Also having acupuncture before and after each transfer.
The Moment:
Our moment was the first time holding our son and his eyes opening, looking up at each of us. It felt like after the years of trying, the miscarriage and the constant worry that never left me during pregnancy, once that little guy was starring right at us, nothing in our life would ever be the same!
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
As cliche as it sounds, don't lose hope. Keep fighting for your baby. I truly believe that your mindset can make a world of difference. I felt depressed, negative and even hateful feelings time and time again in our journey, but a few years before we started IVF, I knew I had to change my mindset and become a strong, positive person.