
It is impossible to express in the confines of this space the gratitude and love that I feel for the gifts that I have been given. On November 5th, 2011 at 7:45, 7:46, and 7:47 p.m., my daughters, Harper, Liberty, and Jesse were born. Born at 32 weeks, they were healthy, all weighing 4lbs. And today at 5 months, they have no medical problems, no developmental delays, and they are thriving at their chronological, not their adjusted ages. They are beautiful little girls. Every day I look at them and think about how lucky that I am, in fact, they are part of what I like to call my "lucky 6". Having three boys: Caiden, 13; Julian, 11; and Brody (there is a similar success story about Brody), 2, we now have a full, evenly balanced home. Everything that I hoped and prayed for came to me, three times over. And thinking back, I remember how hard it was. I remember thinking, re-evaluating, questioning, and struggling with the decision of continuing to try. But, it was because of the kindness of Dr. Grossman and Greta at the Latham Center, that something told me to try just once again. It was their kindness that gave me the faith to believe that there was a bigger plan, and that through my patience, pain, and positive attitude, together we would complete our family. There were many times throughout the process where my head was telling me the way to go, other people were telling me the way to go, but sometimes you just have to listen to your heart. And my three beautiful girls are testament to the power of that. Looking at the girls today, my family, I would go back and do it all again. There are days that are very difficult. Triplets are a challenge, but if ever I am feeling like the task is impossible, I think back to that time not so long ago, and it gives me the strength to make it through the day. And I just want to thank Dr. Grossman, Greta, and CNY from the bottom of my heart. The gift of kindness and support is not handed out freely, at least not in my experience. And it is because of their kindness and love that every day of my life will be that much richer, that much more full of love, and that much more full of happiness. I feel a joy that I never have. My experience at CNY has increased my level of faith in humanity. “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” Tao Te Ching ~ Butterfly