Maha & Tyler
Infertility Diagnosis
- Endometriosis
- Hysteroscopy
- Laparoscopy
- Timed intercourse
- Syracuse
- Robert Kiltz, MD
Maha & Tyler's Story:
Our story like many others began with optimism and love . We have been together since our early 20s. We joke that we “grew up” together !! - going through our wild twenties raising my daughter (currently 13) from a previous marriage -having a blast , building our careers , going to school and graduating, and then entering our thirties ready to settle in and expand our family.
We got pregnant with in a month of trying. We were so excited it was unreal ! But Before my first appointment I began to bleed. We Headed to the ER where we found out we had miscarried . We were so distraught that I begged the doctor to do a d&c right then and there . We did testing and the results were inconclusive. “Everything was fine” “it just happens” “you’ve been pregnant before with no complications (12 years ago) you should be fine.” With little to go on we brushed it aside and 4 months later we considered attempting again.
3 months of trying we finally got a positive !! Due to the recent miscarriage the doctors office got us in for an earlier appointment - things looked well even had a surprise that it might be twins !!! There was a low heartbeat but they said it could be normal due to how early I was and to come in at 10 weeks - we went in and were told the worst news of our lives - they did not survive and no heart rate detected .
We scheduled a D&C, I took 2 weeks mental health from work To grieve. This hit hard - we tested and everything again came back inconclusive and results that reported “everything was fine “ and “it just happens”. I went to specialists after specialists - I got tested over and over - I went to second and third opinions and they all said the same “it just happens” this was not enough for us - I could not do it again . I could not get pregnant again and lose another child . Mentally we were drained.
I saw an interview with Dr. kilz and thought it couldn’t hurt to meet him. I signed up for a call conference. It went great !! So we scheduled an in person appointment. Dr Kiltz is very professional. He came into my scan and with in the first 10 minutes Dr. Kiltz diagnosed me with endometriosis.
He explained things very quickly as he prepared to leave the room . He could tell something was off and that I was not comprehending what was happening and what to do next. He stoped and took the time to explain things in detail. What it all meant , what the plan was, he wrote things down we discussed everything in detail. I left there feeling greatful he took the time to break things down for us.
First I needed to have a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy completed to remove scar tissue and a fibroid. Appointments were not available for months !!! But I was added to the cancelation list and thankfully we were in with in a week !!
After 3 months of healing we began our journey. Started assisted medications, regular level checks, timed intercourse, strict KETO diet, de stressed with meditation and by finding a less demanding job.
We were unsuccessful . We decided to do one more month and if it didn’t work we would take a break and discuss IUI, IVF etc. or even just moving on and going back to school to obtain my NP.
To our surprise we became pregnant!! It was the worst nerve recking twelve weeks for us- like walking on pins and needles just waiting for it to all fall apart again, but CNY FERTILITY did amazing at keeping us positive and optimistic! We did weekly testing and checks, made adjustments to the medications based on the results, it was very impressive.
On feb 2020 we welcomed our baby girl ! She is healthy and strong and we are blessed !
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
They were all great from the front office staff to the nurses
Helpful resources Maha & Tyler found:
Morning meditation and destressing our lives. I even had to find another job that was less demanding and allowed me more family time
Unique Moments:
When we started our journey with CNY FERTILITY our hearts were broken. CNY FERTILITY, the team , Dr kiltz gave us answers and hope when no one else could. We were brushed off by so many providers because we were “young” and I had my daughter from a previous marriage “so everything was fine and it just happens” no one before CNY fertility took the time to really find out what was happening and why it was happening ! We are forever grateful !!
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
Don’t give up. When everyone tells you “you are fine” , or it’s normal , or they have no idea why you are not getting pregnant - go to the professionals at CNY FERTILITY! Work with the experts !