Mandi & Frankie
Infertility Diagnosis
- Secondary infertility
- Unexplained infertility
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- Albany
- Michael Grossman, MD
- Rebecca Eskin, NP
Mandi & Frankie's Story:
My husband and I had no issues getting pregnant with my first. When he was just about to turn 3 after long discussions we decided to start trying for another. We assumed we would have no issues and it would happen right away. Then a year had passed and still nothing so I decided to tell my OBGYN and got an HSG done and blood panel. My husband got tested as well. Everything came back normal. I decided to try a local fertility clinic. There they set me up with Clomid and timed intercourse and we did that a couple of times with continued negative results.
The failed timed intercourse and feeling like I wasn’t being treated with care in that fertility clinic made me decide to stop. A friend mentioned CNY to me so I decided to give it a try. Within my first consult, I knew they were a better fit. The NP we saw listened to our concerns and never made us feel like she wasn’t there for us. We decided to try IUI with Letrozole and repeat an HSG.
The HSG came back completely normal. We did 4 cycles of that with all negative results. I was getting discouraged, especially since on paper I was “fertile” and nothing was wrong. I had another consult with our NP Rebecca Eskin. We decided to move forward with IVF. I never thought I would need IVF and was nervous since it seemed more invasive.
We had our first egg retrieval in December 2020 and were able to get 19 eggs and freeze 10 embryos. We had our first FET in February 2021. Unfortunately, that one didn’t stick. I decided to have another FET in March. On March 15 we finally got our first positive after about 4 years of trying! It was such an amazing moment and now we have our beautiful daughter born 11-17-2021. We couldn’t be more grateful to CNY for helping us achieve our dream of giving our now 7-year-old a sibling.
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
Nicole Davey
Sheila, Albany nurse
MA Amanda
MA Latoya
Helpful resources Mandi & Frankie found:
Following CNY on Facebook and watching their videos really helped with the process.
Unique Moments:
I work in OBGYN so the days I would get the call for my negative pregnancy test were tough having to hang up and go right back to working with our pregnant patients knowing it was all I wanted.
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
Having a support system is really important. Making sure that you have someone you can be open with. Try not to blame yourself if things aren’t happening right away. It’s not your fault