Infertility Diagnosis
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Tubal obstruction
- Donor sperm
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Albany
- Michael Grossman, MD
Megan's Story:
I was a single woman, who always wanted kids growing up, and who was rapidly approaching 30. What was I going to do with all the love I had to give?
After some research, I discovered I needed to:
Make an appointment with the fertility doctor.
Use a donor.
Get IUI.
Sounds easy... But it wasn't.
After doing all the testing, I found out I had a total tubal blockage. I sat and cried outside the testing facility in disbelief. There was NO way this was true. This was supposed to be easy.
At my first fertility office (not CNY) later that day the doctor explained that IVF was the only option for me and that I need to order the donor sperm ASAP. So I did. I ordered it that night, only to get in the invoice of $20,000 for IVF in the mail a few days later.; and that wasn't even including the price of the medication. That's it; it's over. There's no way I can afford this!
But then CNY Fertility came into the picture!!! I was able to get a consultation within a few days. I got everything I needed step by step. I was able to do my testing remotely. I found ALL the medications for less than $700. Within 6 months, I was in Albany, NY, ready for my retrieval.
Retrieval day! IVF got this! Got 10 eggs. Ok. Feeling pretty good about this!
Got a call the next day... "We injected 7 eggs and 1 fertilized. You have 1 embryo Ms. Dailey. We need you to come in first thing Monday for the transfer, we don't think it will last until day 5."
CRUUUUUUSHED. No way this is going to work. But all it takes is one.
I went in for the 3-day fresh transfer and the 2-week waiting begins..... It's the worst part BTW.
First hCG was on the lower end at 61
The second hCG was a bit better at 127
Third was 1375
Fourth 7900
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
The entire team was AMAZING! Everyone was so nice!
Helpful resources Megan found:
CNY Fertility support group on Facebook.
CNY Fertility garage sale group on Facebook
The Moment:
The Moment I first held that little dude leaves me speechless. Nothing can describe the feeling.
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
I wish I had known what an emotional roller coaster it would be.
Do not give up! It's hard and you are going to want to give up a lot. DON'T. YOU GOT THIS! There are people struggling with this just like you. You are not alone.
And single ladies, you can do this! If you want to be a Mom, go for it! Don't let people tell you to wait on a man or that you need to be married. No, you don't. You will never get that wasted time back.