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After Image

mia & Joseph

Florida -

Infertility Diagnosis

  • Unexplained infertility


  • Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
  • In vitro Fertilization (IVF)


  • Syracuse
  • Travel Client

mia & Joseph's Story:

I married my husband in June of 2017. After five losses, on top of seven months of not falling pregnant in the span of a year and a half, I began talking about the next steps with doctors and my friends when CNY was recommended. After completing all the initial testing I couldn't help but think how could I have an AMH of 4.95, clear uterine cavity and perfect tubes yet not be able to become a mom naturally?

I was 23 years old so this was a huge step but we took the leap of faith and started our journey with CNY in September. Dr. Corely did our retrieval and retrieved 15 oocytes, 14 were mature and injected with 13 making it to blastocysts. Like most women after a failed fresh transfer of a beautiful 5AA day 5 embryo I gave up hope and gave into the pain infertility causes.

I felt like I was taking the blessing of becoming pregnant into my own hands and God was punishing me for doing so. The joy of becoming a mother was replaced with doctor appointments for bloodwork and transvaginal ultrasounds weekly, a cocktail of medication to prepare my body for a child. I had made up my mind at 3dp5dt that if this did not work I was going to take a break from frozen embryo transfers to enjoy Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and my birthday hell maybe even Valentines Day then resume in March. Not being able to get pregnant was like having your own personal storm following you 24/7 but you’re the only one who feels and sees this storm.

In October I had blood drawn 3 times and had 4 ultrasounds to see if my Estradiol level was above 200, check my LH to see if I had ovulated as well as my progesterone. The Ultrasound was to make sure my endometrial lining was tri-laminar and above 7mm.

I was originally taking Estrace orally twice daily, Prednisone twice daily, low dose aspirin, low dose naltrexone but my lining only went from 3mm to 6mm in a week so I had to up my Estrace to twice a day orally and twice a day vaginally. My lining FINALLY reached 7mm so my transfer date was set for November 6th, 2018.

I transferred two Day 5 embryos one was a 4AB and the other a 5BB. Before transfer I had acupuncture and a Valium then I headed back home to Georgia. On November 10th, 2018 I got a positive pregnancy test followed by a positive beta of 181.26 on November 14th, 2018.

My son was born healthy at 36 weeks and 4 days weighing 6lbs and 3oz on June 3rd.

Favorite Team Member at CNY:

Erica Cruz (the one who works from home) made this entire process feel like I was not broken and CNY truly cared about me as a person. Dr. Corely and Kiltz worked with me and now I am a mom. Never in my wildest dreams did I think a doctor could change my life as they have.

Helpful resources mia & Joseph found:

I wrote and I openly talked about my struggle with infertility and I just believed in myself and my team.

Unique Moments:

When Dr. Kiltz did my second transfer I recorded it and asked questions when I asked him what they did with the catheter afterwards he said they sold it. Then told me I could take it home if I wanted to and we laughed and I said "Absolutely not"

This is something I can show my son in the future when I figure out how to explain to him he came out of a freezer...

Hope, Inspiration and Advice:

When Dr. Kiltz did my second transfer I recorded it and asked questions when I asked him what they did with the catheter afterwards he said they sold it. Then told me I could take it home if I wanted to and we laughed and I said "Absolutely not"

This is something I can show my son in the future when I figure out how to explain to him he came out of a freezer...