Nicole & James
- Hysteroscopy
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- Syracuse
- Robert Kiltz, MD
- Michael Grossman, MD
Nicole & James's Story:
We were married in 2007 and started trying to conceive almost right away. After a little over a year, we spoke to my GYN about options because I had severe endometriosis (diagnosed in 2001).
After many surgeries and rounds of Lupron, she suggested trying Clomid. I began Clomid in the fall of 2008. In Jan 2009, I wound up in the emergency room due to severe pain and it was discovered that I had an ovarian cyst that ruptured and twisted cutting off the blood supply to my ovary, causing me to lose it.
Feeling totally defeated, my doctor suggested we see Dr. Kiltz. After a round of failed IUI, we moved to AZ in 2010 to be near family. We saw a fertility doctor out there who said there was no way I'd ever get pregnant, and with my history there was nothing he could do for me. So at that point, we pretty much gave it all hope.
In 2011, we decided to move back to Syracuse and began looking into adoption options. We were totally discouraged and at the suggestion of my doctor, again we went back to Dr. Kiltz. During our meeting with him, his exact words were "Oh, we'll get you pregnant but it's going to take some work".
After several more surgeries, another failed round of IUI, so many injections, medications and bloodwork, we finally got THE call....a positive pregnancy test! We had a healthy baby boy in September 2014!
Two years later, we decided to go straight to Dr. Kiltz to try for baby #2. They thought that with my history that we should bring out the big guns right away and they wanted to triple my medication dose.
I was hesitant but agreed. After a couple of months of no success and feeling like garbage, my husband and I decided that we were grateful for the healthy baby we had and there was no reason to continue.
Knowing that a hysterectomy was inevitable, I scheduled that surgery. About 5 weeks before surgery, I was having terrible stomach pains and spotting, so my doctor sent for an ultrasound, assuming that I had another cyst. Well, we were wrong...I was pregnant again, and my hysterectomy was canceled. Another healthy baby boy was born in August 2017!
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
Dr. Kiltz
The Moment:
When I got "THE" call, I was at work. It was so hard to keep my composure. I immediately called my husband, and we cried together over the phone.
I had an interesting labor and delivery with an emergency c-section. So the first time I held my son, I was numb from the shoulders down and couldn't actually hold him. But they laid him down on my chest, and I just cried and wanted to stare at him forever.
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
Just breathe. It may be a long road but don't give up hope too quickly. Hold onto your faith.