Our little miracle Dillon Joseph

My husband and I just want you to know how thankful we are for you and all the doctors, nurses and office staff at the clinic. We were patients at the Latham office. Long story short, we had a 14 (and a half) year wait. We tried IUI and eventually. we were able to do IVF because of the DOH grant... Which took a huge part of the financial burden off of our shoulders. We were incredibly blessed when our first cycle of IVF resulted in our little angel baby Dillon Joseph. He was born 4/16/16 at 9lbs 6oz, 21.5" long. He is our joy and we never would have made it here without you. Really thank you doesn't even cut it. Please know how grateful we are for the graciousness of all your staff. Their positivity and encouragement made all the difference in the world.