Stephanie & Thomas
Infertility Diagnosis
- Advanced age
- Male factor
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- Gestational carrier
- Hysteroscopy
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Laparoscopy
- Syracuse
- Albany
- Robert Kiltz, MD
- Edward Ditkoff, MD
- Michael Grossman, MD
- Rebecca Eskin, NP
Stephanie & Thomas's Story:
After having four children I thought my family was complete. I then remarried and my husband had no children of his own. I had a tubal ligation so we decided to pursue IVF. I had no fertility struggles prior and was confident that this route would be successful and fairly easy…wrong! After several egg retrievals, transfers, miscarriage, hysterectomy and different protocols we were left feeling hopeless. When we were coming to terms with ending our journey my sister offered to carry for us. CNY was extremely supportive of this plan and we moved forward. Our situation was a bit unique. My sister is mine through adoption, has no children of her own and her first ever experience with gynecologic care was at CNY. I was skeptical and didn’t want to get my hopes up. We’d been through years of heartbreak already and I was convinced we were just signing up for more. Looking back I realize I was the only one to feel that. Our team at CNY, especially Sheila Miller and my sister were full of hope, and rightfully so. Our first transfer to my sister was successful. Tripp, now three, completes our family and we’re grateful each day for CNY and my sister.
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
Sheila Miller
Rebecca Eskin
Justine Taylor
Dr Kiltz
Dr Grossman
Helpful resources Stephanie & Thomas found: